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Phua KY

Semi-conductor Investment Thesis

sam altman 7 trillion

Executive Summary:

This document presents a strategic investment thesis focused on the semiconductor industry, driven by the exponential growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G technology, and the Internet of Things (IoT). It proposes a diversified portfolio approach utilizing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and select individual companies to capitalize on this dynamic sector.

Investment Rationale:

Unveiling the Future: The global semiconductor market is poised for significant expansion, expected to reach $803 billion by 2028 with a CAGR of 8.4%. This growth is primarily driven by:

  • The AI Revolution: AI development and deployment demands specialized chips with unparalleled processing power and efficiency. The ambitious $7 trillion project proposed by Sam Altman, while yet unconfirmed, underscores the potential future demand for AI-specific chips.
  • 5G Connectivity: The rollout of 5G networks necessitates advanced chips capable of enabling faster data transmission and enhanced mobile experiences.
  • IoT Expansion: The proliferation of connected devices across various industries fuels the demand for efficient chips for data processing and communication.
  • Supply Constraints: The fabrication of advanced chips requires substantial investment and expertise, limiting the pool of reliable suppliers like TSMC and Samsung. This limited supply creates a potential imbalance between surging demand and available chips, potentially driving up prices and benefiting established players.
  • Focus on Fabrication: While acknowledging the multifaceted cost structure of chip production, this thesis emphasizes the critical role of fabrication. Recent advancements in miniaturization and new materials are crucial for developing even more powerful and efficient chips, driving demand for foundries and related technology providers.

Investment Strategy:

ETF Diversification: To achieve broad market exposure and mitigate concentrated risk, the portfolio will include investments in leading semiconductor ETFs like SOXX and SMH. These provide access to diverse companies across different market segments. Strategic Selection: Further investment will be directed towards select individual companies based on rigorous research and analysis. Key factors such as leadership position, innovative technology, strong financial performance, and alignment with specific growth trends will guide these choices.

Risk Management:

Portfolio Diversification: The combination of ETFs and individual companies aims to mitigate risks associated with specific company performance or broader market fluctuations. Dollar-Cost Averaging: Gradual investment over time instead of a lump sum helps manage volatility and average out purchase costs. Long-Term Vision: This investment strategy adopts a long-term horizon, recognizing the inherent risks involved in emerging technologies and volatile markets.


The semiconductor industry, at the forefront of enabling critical advancements in AI, 5G, and IoT, presents a compelling long-term investment opportunity. By utilizing a diversified portfolio approach with a focus on fabrication technology and risk mitigation strategies, this thesis aims to capitalize on this growth potential while acknowledging the inherent risks associated with any investment.

Disclaimer: This document does not constitute financial advice. Please consult a qualified financial advisor for personalized guidance before making any investment decisions.

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Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.