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Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-02-09

Came back from Cambodia on the 5th of Feb. Went out for a strong 10km run on the 6th morning. was down with serious food poisoning on the afternoon of 6th until the 8th night. diarrhoea non stop and vomitting. emptying everything in my stomach. water was not even allowed to process. worst part was feeling breathless. so miserable and suffering. wish i do not have to face it again.

headache on the 8th night was so terrible, from 8/10 until 10/10 pain thershold. barely able to make it. tried not to take paracetamol, but after many hours, took 2.

today is 9th, reunion lunch. got lobster for family. was just happy go lucky throughout, until our helper nhaw told me she will not kill the lobster for us to enjoy. if we want to eat and enjoy, we kill it ourselves. it was a wake up call for me. she was right. we cannot use her as our tool to kill, making her do the hard stuff while we enjoy. its wrong. my wife and i killed the lobster, and i was solemn afterwards. its a good reminder for me that i need to be the one to do the hard things. to take life seriously.

tmr go for a morning hard 10km. COME ON!!!!

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.