Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-30

Day 30/30: Progress Check and Reflections

3 Focus Points for 2024

  1. Networking and Career Advancement

    • Achievements:
      • Completed and polished resume.
      • Submitted application for the incubator.
      • Initiated “Seeking Frontier Private Equity.”
  2. Physical Fitness Goals

    • Status: Achieved! Running and swimming speeds have improved.
  3. Family

    • Status: Positive progress.

Morning Reflection

  • Training Check: Achieved morning run without distractions. Aimed to beat personal best of 1:03 for 10km, set a new target of 1:02. The first half was challenging, but pace picked up between 5-8km.
  • Today’s Focus:
    • Finalize and submit the resume.
    • Apply to 5 job positions.

Evening Review

  • Accomplishments:

    • Nearly finalized the resume.
    • Applied to 3 e-commerce positions through MyCareersFuture.
    • Continued productive work until 9.40 pm.
  • Challenges:

    • Streamlining the resume into a single page was challenging.
  • Lessons Learned:

    • Consider creating a more detailed, multi-page CV instead of a concise resume.


  • Adherence to Plan: Followed the plan closely despite early delays due to CPF and salary calculations. Had an early lunch which disrupted the flow slightly.
  • Mindset and Focus:
    • Significantly more focused than the previous weeks, approximately 70%. There’s room for improvement.
    • Maintained a strict and proactive approach towards tasks and goals. Avoided distractions and easy tasks, ensuring a focused and disciplined day.

Preparation for Tomorrow

  • Next Day’s Focus:
    • Improve swimming speed: aim for 50m under 1 minute.
    • Dental appointment.
    • Apply to 5 business analyst positions.
    • Work on the incubator project.
    • Plan Vietnam trip.
    • Review monthly accomplishments and set new targets for February.
  • Plan Adjustments: No major changes. Focus on returning to tasks promptly after the Vietnam trip planning.

Routine Reminder

  • Evening: Be in bed by 8 pm.
  • Sleep: Ensure to sleep by 9:30 pm.
  • Morning: Wake up at 5:30 am, ready for a new day.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.