Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-28

Day 28/30: Journal Entry

Progress on 3 FOCUS 2024 Objectives

  1. Professional Networking and Growth:
    • Continuation in refining the resume and LinkedIn profile.
    • Applied for an incubator program and initiated the process for opening Kenston Green.
  2. Fitness Goals: Temporarily paused.
  3. Family Commitment: Maintained focus and engagement.

Morning Routine and Reflection

  • Training Status: Opted out of morning training.
  • Primary Focus: Concentrating on the creation of a slide presentation and the refinement of the resume.

Evening Review

  • Accomplishments:
    • Successfully presented the slide deck.
    • Initiated the creative process of designing the resume in Photoshop.
    • Enjoyed quality time watching ‘Wonka’ with wife, balancing professional and personal life.
  • Challenges:
    • Faced uncertainties regarding the final appearance and content of the resume, specifically:
      • How to effectively portray multiple business ventures, including those that were not successful.
      • The inclusion and representation of previous job experiences.
      • The integration of learnings and skills acquired post-business sale into the resume.
  • Lessons Learned: [Reflect on any insights or lessons from the day’s experiences.]


  • Adherence to Plan: [Evaluate the extent of adherence to the planned schedule and goals.]
  • Mindset and Focus: Acknowledged a recent lapse in focus but reaffirmed the commitment to regain momentum and intensify efforts. Emphasized the necessity of immediate action and dedication to the set objectives.

Preparation for Tomorrow

  • Next Day’s Focus: Detailing the professional journey from 2022 post-business sale to the present day (2024), with a specific emphasis on completing the resume.
  • Plan Adjustment: Recognized recent shortcomings in fulfilling objectives. Resolved to concentrate efforts on finalizing the resume, acknowledging its criticality in achieving professional aspirations.

Nightly Routine

  • Rest and Rejuvenation: Committed to maintaining the sleep schedule, ensuring readiness for a productive day ahead, focused on completing the resume and reflecting on recent professional developments.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.