Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-27

Day 27/30: Journal Entry

Progress on 3 FOCUS 2024 Objectives

  1. Networking and Personal Growth: Continued efforts to network with like-minded individuals in the business and startup arena.
  2. Fitness Enhancement: Focused on improving running stamina and pace, though faced challenges in today’s session.
  3. Family Commitment: Prioritized family time and efforts towards family growth.

Morning Routine and Reflection

  • Training Status: Attempted a challenging run while listening to Ken Rideout. Encountered difficulties in completing a 10k run due to possible overexertion and insufficient rest.
  • Primary Focus: Designated the day for relaxation and quality time with spouse.

Evening Review

  • Accomplishments:
    • Engaged in a meaningful conversation with Uncle GuGu.
    • Enjoyed time with wife and her friends, fostering social connections.
  • Challenges:
    • Faced physical and mental challenges during the run, resulting in an altered mood and failure to meet the running distance goal.
    • Confronted the consequences of waking up late and the impact on training performance.
  • Lessons Learned:
    • Recognized the importance of adequate sleep for optimal performance.
    • Acknowledged the need for resilience and pushing through physical limits.


  • Adherence to Plan: [Evaluate how closely the day’s activities aligned with the planned schedule and goals.]
  • Mindset and Focus: Reinforced the importance of maintaining focus, resilience, and the drive to take immediate action towards goals, avoiding procrastination and distractions.

Preparation for Tomorrow

  • Next Day’s Focus: Aiming to complete the first draft of the resume and intensify efforts towards the incubator application, specifically targeting Antler.
  • Plan Adjustment: [Contemplate any modifications to the plan based on the experiences and insights gained today.]

Nightly Routine

  • Rest and Rejuvenation: Committed to adhering to the sleep schedule, ensuring readiness for an early start and a productive day ahead.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.