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Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-26

Day 26/30: Journal Entry

Progress on 3 FOCUS 2024 Objectives

  1. Networking and Growth: Continued efforts to connect with professionals in business and startups.
  2. Fitness Enhancement: Maintaining a regimen to improve running and swimming capabilities.
  3. Family Commitment: Prioritizing family, a core personal value.

Steps Forward

  • Professional Development: Tailoring a resume for incubator applications and exploring M&A opportunities, inspired by individuals like Sarah Moore.
  • Morning Routine: Successfully completed a 1km swim, noticing a significant improvement in speed.

Today’s Objectives

  • Data Compilation: Collected data from five companies in each targeted sector, focusing on:

    1. Handyman Services: Examined companies like LS HandyMan.
    2. Painting Services
    3. Deep Cleaning Services: Analyzed companies such as OCD, noting their team-based operational model.
  • Analysis and Reflection: Conducted a comprehensive review of the collected data, aiming to understand worker profiles, job types, customer demographics, pricing strategies, job volume, revenue estimates, operational models, sales mechanisms, business gaps, and potential challenges.

Observations and Insights

  • LS HandyMan: Identified as a robust side venture, primarily focusing on repairs and minor fixes, complementing Athena’s portfolio, which leans towards cleaning, polishing, painting, and minor electrical tasks.
  • OCD Reviews: Acknowledged as a well-run business, commanding premium pricing justified by the high standard and quality of service, leading to high customer satisfaction. Noticed minimal gaps or opportunities for intervention due to the already high satisfaction rates and professional service delivery.

Evening Reflection

  • Accomplishments: [Reflect on the day’s achievements, including work progress, exercise, and personal projects.]
  • Challenges: [Discuss any obstacles encountered and the approaches taken to address them.]
  • Lessons Learned: [Share insights or lessons from the day’s experiences.]


  • Adherence to Plan: [Evaluate the adherence to the day’s planned schedule and goals.]
  • Mindset and Focus: Reaffirmed commitment to maintaining focus, rejecting complacency, and avoiding distractions. Emphasized the importance of immediate action and constant vigilance in pursuing goals.

Preparation for Tomorrow

  • Next Day’s Focus: Scheduled a 15km long run, dedicated time with family, and resume refinement.
  • Plan Adjustment: [Consider any necessary adjustments to the plan based on today’s experiences.]

Nightly Routine

  • Rest and Rejuvenation: Commitment to be in bed by 8 pm and asleep by 9:30 pm, ready to start the next day at 5:30 am, revitalized and focused.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.