Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-24

Day 24/30.

Are you still working on this 3 FOCUS 2024?

  1. Meet like minded people in business and startups and interests - Yes.
  2. Run Faster, Swim Faster - Yes.
  3. Baby - YES TODAY.

Morning Reflection:

Training Check: Got it in this morning? Yes, Swim with wife 1km.

Today's Focus: What is the main goal or focus for today? Main meeting and understand more about the business and the sales aspect.

Evening Review:

Accomplishments: What did you achieve today? This includes progress in work, exercise, personal projects, etc. Met up with DN and chatted quite a fair bit. Written down in the article on the cleaning business writeup

Challenges: What challenges did you face, and how did you handle them? after came home, just too overwhelmed and shag to do anything. took a short nap after wife massage. then tried to do work, and whole house electicity trip. went out for ramen escapade with wife.

Lessons Learned: Any insights or lessons learned from the day’s experiences?


Adherence to Plan: How closely did you follow your planned schedule and goals? did all i could today.

Mind Set and "The Slide": Are you still locked in and focus? No regrets at the end of the year brother. Don't Slide. ALMOST!!

You cant take the easy path. You cannot do the easy small tasks. You cannot be distracted like a normal person. You cannot rest like a normal person. Stay FOCUS!

You cant wait for things to happen. You cant wait for tomorrow, or next hour to start. You gotta do it NOW! NOW NOW NOW!!!


Tomorrow’s Preparation:

Next Day’s Focus: What are the main goals for tomorrow?

Plan Adjustment: Based on today's experiences, are there any changes you need to make to tomorrow’s plan?

Be in bed by 8pm. Sleep at 9.30pm. See you at 5.30am brother.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.