Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-20

Day 20/30.

Morning Reflection

Training Check

  • Observation: Missed morning training due to rain, but completed a 10km evening run at an easy pace.
  • Implication: Adaptability in exercise routine, demonstrating commitment to fitness goals despite weather challenges.

Today’s Focus

  • Primary Goal: Accelerate the development of the new cleaning business, focusing on brand creation.
  • Secondary Goal: Work on updating the resume.
  • Strategic Approach: Balancing entrepreneurial efforts with personal career development.

Evening Review


  • Efforts & Achievements:
    • Started day early at 6.30am.
    • Completed listening to a moving MFM podcast episode about Sarah Moore’s eggcartons business.
  • Emotional Impact: The podcast was emotionally touching, indicating engagement with inspirational content.


  • Brand Development:
    • Struggled with conceptualizing the brand identity.
    • Conducted competitor analysis, specifically noting everyworks as a potential model.
  • Database Creation:
    • Faced difficulties in structuring the service database.
  • Mental Roadblocks: Experienced mental barriers in settling for a brand that resonates, indicating a high standard for brand identity.

Lessons Learned

  • Realizations:
    • Understanding that rushing might compromise quality, especially in brand development.
    • Recognizing the conflict between wanting to offer comprehensive services and focusing on high-margin ones.
  • Priority Confusion: Uncertainty about which tasks to prioritize for maximum progress.
  • Adaptability: The need to be more agile and decisive in business strategy.


Adherence to Plan

  • Exercise: Slightly deviated due to weather, compensated with evening run.
  • Diet: Maintained control, consumed less food, and had three cups of coffee.
  • Overall Adherence: High, with minor deviations in exercise routine.

Mindset and Focus

  • Exercise Discipline: Acknowledgement of a slight decrease in exercise intensity and focus.
  • Self-Reminder: Emphasis on avoiding the easy path and maintaining high discipline levels.
  • Focus Check: Despite challenges, the focus remains strong. Need to avoid sliding into complacency.

Tomorrow’s Preparation

Next Day’s Focus

  • Morning Activity: Engage in Table Tennis, integrating physical activity.
  • Business Priority: Shifting focus from branding and database to initiating first sale, using platforms like Carousell and Google Maps.
  • Sales Strategy: Emphasize on actionable steps towards making the first sale, which is a crucial milestone.

Plan Adjustment

  • Reflection: Based on today’s experiences, a recalibration of priorities is necessary, emphasizing practical steps towards business growth over conceptual tasks.
  • Future Strategy: Concentrate on actionable items that directly contribute to business advancement.

Sleep Schedule:

  • Bedtime Routine: Be in bed by 8pm.
  • Sleep Time: Aim to sleep at 9.30pm.
  • Wake-Up Call: Set for 5.30am.

Additional Notes

  • Reflective Practice: Continue this reflective practice, as it aids in self-awareness and strategic planning.
  • Balance: Ensure a balance between physical activities, business tasks, and personal growth.
  • Stay Resilient: Challenges are part of the journey. Maintaining focus and resilience is key.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.