Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-19

Day 19/30.

Morning Routine

Managed to get up early in the morning, thanks to turning off the aircon at 5am, which seems to help quite a bit.

Woke up to my alarm at 6am but stayed in bed dozily until 6:30am.


Went for a swim and tried to do full front crawl today. Brought along the ear plugs, too. After every 50m, I really had to rest. I’m trying to figure out how to swim slower without sinking or how to regulate my breaths better. Despite aiming for an hour of swimming, I spent half the time resting and only did 600m. The pool was also packed, which didn’t help.


On the way home on my scooter, it rained again, as it has on recent mornings. I skidded on the road and bruised and bled my toe.

Work Preparation

Once home, I immediately started preparing for the meeting about the potential purchase of a business.

The Drive

Drove a long way from home to Boon Lay and picked up JH. His constant negativity and nagging are already taking a toll on me. Despite this, I tried to keep things as positive as possible. He kept complaining about trivial things during the drive, which was unnecessary.

Business Meeting

I’ve learned that for business meetings where conversation is key, it’s best to choose places with full table service to avoid the awkwardness of ordering and getting your own drinks.

Had to queue and wait to order drinks while the others started talking. The queue never moved, which was frustrating. Joining the conversation late, I was already behind and struggled to control the pace and flow of the discussion. It took time to figure out who was who and who the boss was.

The conversation was extremely insightful. I wrote a separate article summarizing some of the details of the business, which you can find here.

Post-Meeting Focus

The rest of the day was focused on the business. I spent time drafting messages to the business and researching its viability. The most apparent takeaway was the strong need, good margins, and ample demand for services like these.

I’m motivated to create something out of this opportunity.

Tomorrow’s Focus

  • 10km run.
  • Spend half the day working on my resume.
  • The other half will be dedicated to creating a brand and site to start selling ads for this industry.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.