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Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-18

Day 18/30.

Morning Reflection:

Training Check:

  • Status: Missed
  • Reason: Physical discomfort (knees and ankle ache) leading to skipping the session.
  • Reflection: Consider low-impact exercises for days when experiencing joint discomfort.

Today’s Focus:

  • Main Goal: Concentrate on updating and refining the resume.

Evening Review:


  • Progress: Significant amount of conversation data processed.
  • Observation: ChatGPT data submissions often lack detailed information, typically summarizing key points.


  • Issue: Time spent on repetitive tasks in data processing.
  • Approach: Shifted focus to the final product development.

Lessons Learned:

  • Insight: Smaller food portions created productive work windows.
  • Strategy: Align work around meal times to optimize focus and productivity.


Adherence to Plan:

  • Exercise: Missed planned workout, compensated with some physical activity (30 pull-ups, 50 push-ups).
  • Overall: Followed the day’s schedule effectively, except for the exercise component.
  • Productivity: Final product delivery still pending.

Mindset and “The Slide”:

  • Focus: Experienced some deviation, especially in exercise routine.
  • Compensation: Managed food intake to maintain focus, though challenging.

Stay Focus Turned On?

  • Reflection Needed: Evaluate if current strategies are effective in maintaining focus long-term.

Tomorrow’s Preparation:

Next Day’s Focus:

  • Morning: Attend business meeting in Boon Lay.
  • Afternoon/Evening: Dedicate time to resume completion.

Plan Adjustment:

  • Sleep Schedule: Aim for earlier sleep to wake up for exercise.
  • Food Intake: Continue delaying meals to enhance focus and productivity.


  • Bedtime Routine: In bed by 8 pm.
  • Sleep Goal: Asleep by 9:30 pm.
  • Wake-up Time: 5:30 am.

Remember: Balancing physical health, nutrition, and productivity is crucial. Adjust your routine as needed for sustainability. Stay focused and resilient!

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.