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Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-17

Day 17/30.

Morning Reflection: A Refreshing Start

“Morning Swim Check: Did you dive in today?” Absolutely! Managed a brisk 1.15km swim. The journey to and from the pool, accompanied by lively chats with my wife, was just as delightful.

During freestyle, I aimed for a 50m stretch in about 1 minute and 10 seconds. It was a challenge, especially past the 35m mark, but I persevered to complete the lap.

In my “froggystyle,” a determined push gets me through 50m in about 1 minute and 23 seconds. Impressively, I can sustain this pace for up to 200m in a single stretch.

“Today’s Focus: What’s on the agenda?” Today’s mission is introspection: delving into the history of Company 3, which I founded and eventually left. My goal is to gain a deeper understanding of my role, assess my capabilities, and pinpoint any errors in judgment or overlooked aspects.

Evening Review: Reflecting on a Productive Day

“Achievements: What triumphs did today bring?” I crafted a new Python script that effectively cleanses conversation data. This enabled me to create a ChatGPT prompt that summarizes these discussions weekly, extracting valuable insights. Breaking down the analysis into weekly segments seemed optimal for more relevant AI outputs. However, the prompt still requires fine-tuning for better results.

“Challenges: What hurdles did you overcome?” A significant challenge was refining the code for more precise data cleaning, especially in terms of local contextual relevance. Removing common filler words like “haha,” “sia,” and “lei” significantly improved the contextual understanding of the conversations.

“Insights: What did today teach you?” I’ve realized the illusion of past endeavors seeming easier than they were. For instance, running my first marathon, managing my business, or generating income all appeared straightforward. Yet, revisiting old conversations revealed daily struggles, like the tough early days of 2021 when we barely made ends meet and had to push ourselves by moving to a new office.

Self-Assessment: Staying on Track

“Plan Adherence: How well did you stick to your schedule?” Today was a solid effort, deserving an 8.5 out of 10. I noticed that fasting until 5 PM helped maintain my focus. However, taking a break for a meal made it challenging to resume tasks. It seems I have a single daily window to accomplish significant work, necessitating a hold on food until tasks are complete.

“Mental Focus: Are you maintaining your drive?” Definitely! I’m halfway there, though sometimes I find myself evading direct challenges. Time to face them head-on!

“Reminder: No Easy Paths or Distractions. Stay Focused!” Absolutely. Avoiding trivial tasks, distractions, and rest like the average person is key. My focus must remain laser-sharp.

“Focus Status: Still engaged?” YES!

Tomorrow’s Preparation: Setting the Stage

“Next Day’s Goals: What’s on the horizon?” Focus on building a stellar resume. I need to determine the best path forward: joining an incubator or seeking a job.

“Plan Tweaks: Any changes for tomorrow?” The agenda is clear: focus on the resume and avoid eating until the day’s work is complete.

Bedtime Routine: Early to bed, early to rise. See you at 5:30 AM, brother! Sleep at 9:30 PM after winding down by 8 PM. Stay strong!


Morning Reflection:

Training Check: Got it in this morning? swam today! 1.15km enjoyed the walk and talk to the pool and back with the wifey.

freestyle i think i can make 50m in 1m10s. by 35m very struggling. barely make it for 50m.

froggystle usually with hard push is about 1min 23s for 50m. but can push for 200m in a go.

Today's Focus: What is the main goal or focus for today? working on dissecting the happenings of company 3 that i started and exited. hopefully to gain clarity on my roles responsibilites, own capabilities and also identify error of judgement and blindspots i had.

Evening Review:

Accomplishments: What did you achieve today? This includes progress in work, exercise, personal projects, etc. wrote new python script that cleans the data of all the conversation. then created a prompt on chatgpt to read and summarise the conversations by weeks to produce something valuable i can use. the reason why breaking it down into weeks its so the AI can return results that have better examples. but i think its still not doing a good job enough. prompt needs to be further enhanced.

Challenges: What challenges did you face, and how did you handle them? i think quite a lot of small error in the code cleaning to return something i find more useful to me. like removing generic stop words are not catered to the local context of my conversations. actually after an analysis on the top used words like “haha”, “sia”, “lei” are much better to remove for down the road context reading.

Lessons Learned: Any insights or lessons learned from the day’s experiences? illusion that everything in the past was easy. like how running the first marathon was easy. or the business seems easy or making money seems good. but actually now that i read through some of the olderchats, it was difficult on a daily basis too. 😢 like how in the start of 2021, we barely could make it and forced ourselves to push by going to the new office.


Adherence to Plan: How closely did you follow your planned schedule and goals? tried really hard. it went rather well today i supposed. 8.5/10. i wonder if not having food helps in it a lot. from morning until 5pm. kind of rolling and rolling progressing. but once stop for a quick bite, its extremely difficult to go back to what i was doing. essentialy i only have one shot per day to get something done. just dont eat until i complete. hold the hunger out.

Mind Set and "The Slide": Are you still locked in and focus? No regrets at the end of the year brother. Don't Slide. yes brother. quite focus. half locked, im still beating around the bush.. tackle straight on! come on man.

You cant take the easy path. You cannot do the easy small tasks. You cannot be distracted like a normal person. You cannot rest like a normal person. Stay FOCUS!

Stay Focus Turned On? YES!

Tomorrow’s Preparation:

Next Day’s Focus: What are the main goals for tomorrow? pure resume please. start generating what would somebody like me be suitable for. incubator first or job first.

Plan Adjustment: Based on today's experiences, are there any changes you need to make to tomorrow’s plan? resume, do not eat until you are done for the day.

Be in bed by 8pm. Sleep at 9.30pm. See you at 5.30am brother.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.