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Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-13

Day 13/30.

Choosing to attend a Pilates class at 11 am turned out to be a questionable decision, given its impact on my day’s productivity. Sandwiched in the middle of town during peak hours, it disrupted my morning routine and left me with a diminished capacity to accomplish tasks afterward, essentially consuming three-quarters of the day.

The day’s notable conversation centered around the class’s requirement for ‘gripped socks.’ Despite thinking we could cleverly avoid purchasing them, our attempt failed. The cost of male gripped socks stood at $7, while female ones were a staggering $12. Although the prices seemed exorbitant, I prioritized the shared experience with my wife, the effort invested in reaching the venue early, and the significance of my maiden Pilates session. The expenditure on socks didn’t bother me then, and it still doesn’t.

However, what did prove bothersome was having to pay for the lesson itself. ClassPass threw us a curveball by unexpectedly canceling our account for utilizing it as intended. While they provided trial accounts with credits for class trials, our account was terminated after just four sessions, still well within the credit limit. The lack of proper communication regarding the cancellation left us feeling frustrated, a situation perhaps anticipated when trying to ‘game’ the system.

Contrary to my expectations, Pilates did not deliver the intense cardio workout I was accustomed to, where a substantial calorie burn is a marker of effort. This led to a discussion with my wife about the common misconception among females regarding exercise and weight loss. She emphasized the disparity in calorie expenditure between her marathon training sessions and Pilates classes, highlighting the importance of dieting for effective fat control.

In the pursuit of weight loss and a better physique, many seek shortcuts through subscriptions like ClassPass and engaging in ‘interesting’ yet less monotonous workouts guided by professionals. However, the reality, as emphasized by David Goggins, is that there is no shortcut—no hack. The only effective path is through consistent, challenging work.

This reflection prompted me to consider whether I am still searching for hacks in other aspects of life, such as my career and financial pursuits. Is there a universal truth that applies to success, much like the indisputable commitment required in fitness?

With newfound determination, I committed to a dietary overhaul, eliminating snacks, soft drinks, and fast food from my routine. The focus shifted towards a disciplined approach to health and well-being.

An intriguing quote from the world’s strongest man, shared on the Joe Rogan podcast, resonated with me: “Warriors always go to war hungry.” Inspired by this sentiment and echoing Andrew Tate’s philosophy, I contemplated adopting a fasting approach until dinner, surviving solely on coffee until 3 pm.

Realizing that I had accomplished nothing since January 8, I acknowledged six days lost out of 365. Tomorrow marked a fresh start, focusing on preparing incubator application documents and enhancing my career network through 328 SCE career support, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing and optimizing time management.

As a commitment to this transformation, I set a strict bedtime of 8 pm, aiming to sleep by 9.30 pm and rise at 5.30 am, embracing a disciplined and productive routine. The journey towards self-improvement begins anew, acknowledging the need for consistency and perseverance in all aspects of life.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.