Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-12

Day 12/30

ICT brought unexpected twists as I headed to Safra Tampanies for the last day of Army cohesion. The day started with a race against time due to heavy traffic, putting me just slightly behind schedule.

As I approached the carpark, a message on WhatsApp at 8:56 am alerted me to the situation – the level 2 carpark was closed for renovations, but there were still plenty of spaces on level 1. However, a glance at the entrance sign indicating 100 available spaces made me skeptical. Observing cars leaving Safra, I tried to discern their affiliation with our unit. Despite indications that there should be enough spaces inside, I opted for the ‘safer’ choice and headed to the ‘newly established’ car park.

During the maneuver, I noticed the available spaces dropping from 100 to 80, adding to the uncertainty. Eventually, the new car park offered ample space, securing one of the first few lots closer to Safra. Ironically, as I walked in, the carpark sign now displayed a “full” status.

The decision to choose the seemingly less crowded option paid off, making my exit smoother later on. This experience led me to ponder the concept of counter-intuitive decisions, prompting me to explore this phenomenon further.

Inside Safra, I engaged in conversation with D, the only person I hadn’t spoken to during ICT. Our main topic of discussion revolved around travel, providing a refreshing break. Meanwhile, others enjoyed a game of bowling, which I had to skip due to a lingering wrist injury. Opting for something new, I joined a dodgeball game for the first time and celebrated victory in both rounds. During buffet lunch, connected more with T and YK, making the day even more enjoyable.

Group Photo

The day concluded with a group photo capturing the camaraderie of the ICT experience. Back home, I savored the evening by watching the latest Dave Chappelle Special. Setting up the projector, I indulged in snacks and relished the content, grateful for a fulfilling day after the ICT obligations.

--- Draft ---

Day 12/30.

ICT Last Day.

Army cohesion at Safra Tampanies.

Tried going earlier but due to traffic, ended reaching slightly later than 9.

While nearly reaching the carpark, I knew that since i was barely on time, i think the car park should be full. and a message on whats app came in at 8.56am which states that there are still lots on level 1 but level 2 carpark closed for renovations. if there are no lots, you can park in the building opposite.

So just before i turned in, i saw at the entrance stating that there are 100 carpark spaces. on the same road out, there are a lot of cars coming out of safra. i tried to get a feel of who these people are, whether they are people who are also from the same unit, went in but had no lot so came out. my guess was, these people look way older, and should not be from the same unit. so they probably are only dropping people inside. so even with all these evidences i gather that there should be lots inside, i still decided to take the ‘safer’ choice of going to the ‘newly established’ car park first before others. while trying to do a turn to go to the outside car park, i think the inside lot dropped from 100 to 80. im unsure whether the 100 included the lots that were under renovations.

while parking at the new car park, it had ample space and i got the first few lots nearer to the safra. and while walking in to safra, now the carpark sign stated that it was full.

i truly wonder whether if i were to turn in and park, i would get a lot or not. on the bright side, it made my exit out of the safra way easier and faster because i did not have to squeeze with the others through the bottleneck traffic out.

but it lead me to wonder, what would this phenomenom be? im guessing i would title this [counter-intuitive decisions] which i wish to think about more.

had sometime to have a chat with D, the only guy i hadnt talked to yet throughout the ICT. main topics were on travelling. The others were playing bowling which i couldnt handle due to the persisting wrist injury. then played dodge ball for kind of the first time, won both rounds yay! managed to talk to T and YK abit more. i love talking with them.

came back home and was glad to watch the new Dave Chappelle Special. its been so long since theres any new content from him! brought out the projector, munched on some snacks while watching it and enjoying the rest of my day after outpro.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.