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Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-01-10 (backdated due to ICT)

Day 10/30.

Today, my journey led me to the Navy Museum and the remarkable LST RSS Persistance, offering a brief escape into the maritime world. Unfortunately, time constraints kept me from delving too deeply into the museum’s treasures.

The highlight undoubtedly was the LST experience, particularly the thrill of ascending the gangway. Navigating through the ship, exploring the control room, and peeking into the bunks unveiled the intricacies of naval life.

Back at camp, an evening of zichar unfolded, with C and JH monopolizing the conversation with tales from their Japan trip. The lively recounting painted vivid pictures of their adventures.

Returning to the bunk, my focus shifted abruptly to preparations for the impending IPPT the next morning. Anxiety lingered in the air, exacerbated by the restlessness that has accompanied me since the recent vaccination. The palpitations, intense and rhythmic, kept me tossing and turning from 9 pm to almost 12:30 am.

Interesting Thought of the Day: (Insights into Spending Habits)[/spending-habits]

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Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.