Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-09-04

Daily Spark - 2024-09-04

Today’s Mantra

Focus Areas

Morning Ignition

  • Wakeup time:
  • First action:
  • Today’s main goal:

Daily Happenings & Reflections

[Free space to write about your day, thoughts, encounters, and anything else on your mind] went swimming with wife. the pool is way too crowded to swim properly. rested after only 6 laps. then did some Stretching. Then went home to fetch mom to her QiGong class and me and wife went for Kovan dim sum then go to hougang 1 to buy Starbucks coffee. Came home never really do much work then harvested quite a few new partnership deals from X. Then a call with the designer and marketing team to discuss about the new meme coins generation. After that had to go to pick mum up from her Qi gong class and then meet broski for a for his threshold run then a Thai Wanton me dinner and then home with Runner Keiko at our house. Create some meme tweets then sleep.

Bro got a call from his police about the bot that we created that keep causing conflict with the system. Is just an automated system to help with booking table simple but somehow this conflict keep happening and we don’t know why.

Daily Achievements

  • Achievement 1
  • Achievement 2
  • Achievement 3

Challenges & Solutions

Challenge: Solution:

Learning & Growth

What did I learn today?

Tomorrow’s Launchpad

Top 3 priorities for tomorrow: 1. 2. 3.

Gratitude & Reflection

I’m grateful for: One thing I’ll do better tomorrow:

Habit Tracker

  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Coding
  • Networking
  • [Custom habit]

Energy Level (1-10):

Final Thought

[End your day with a positive affirmation or reflection]

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.