Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-08-17

Daily Spark - 2024-08-17

Today’s Mantra

Focus Areas

Morning Ignition

  • Wakeup time:
  • First action:
  • Today’s main goal:

Daily Happenings & Reflections

morning run plan [18km 1hr40mins]

  • only 1 goal, dont stop running
  • tried to ‘enjoy’ the run and go at a slower pace, but it was hard to maintain a steady pace
  • walked run walked run until half way point then decided to sit down and rest, hoping things will get better.
  • tried the funny lychee flavoured drink, it was ok, nothing particularly special or nice.
  • then upon starting my run back, saw yongzhi!
  • no idea what pace was he going at and how much distance he still have to go, but decided that i should stick to him.
  • otherwise my run home will suck so bad and not have a good workout done.
  • told me he had 18mins ahead then uturn, i thought ok 18mins not so long. but we ran until half of coney island.
  • rather ok, HR good throughout. run and talked so the run was not too bad.
  • then run home all the way, lucky for short water break.
  • he introduced me to the new 2 up hills run. not so bad.
  • then home stretch, i was happy that it ended well. heartrate starting to climb.
  • walked home all the way, struggling to reach home. legs shagged.
  • happy got ijooz machine on the way home.

Upon home, -yuzu 100 plus, damn good. best.

  • shower and toh. happy that can fall asleep, almost 2 hours. good sleep.
  • last week only can nap shortly less than 20mins.

Polytopia Elyrion testing the power of the dragon!

chuan chuan dinner at kovan

  • i like chuan chuan, but it has to be slightly crispy on the outside and fatty and juicy on the inside
  • broski ordered the guobao rou, but its skin is thick, sticky and chewy. not nice
  • dad ordered too much food!
  • wife and i had to rush home because of our hackathon meeting

Hackathon google meets

  • not much of a great idea
  • was so tired and sleepy
  • but we do not need scalable big idea, just an idea that if we can implement at our current state would be good.

Daily Achievements

  • Achievement 1
  • Achievement 2
  • Achievement 3

Challenges & Solutions

Challenge: Solution:

Learning & Growth

What did I learn today?

Tomorrow’s Launchpad

Top 3 priorities for tomorrow: 1. 2. 3.

Gratitude & Reflection

I’m grateful for: One thing I’ll do better tomorrow:

Habit Tracker

  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Coding
  • Networking
  • [Custom habit]

Energy Level (1-10):

Final Thought

[End your day with a positive affirmation or reflection]

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.