Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Daily Journal - 2024-08-15

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Daily Spark - 2024-08-15

Today’s Mantra

Focus Areas

  1. Genmu Land Call
  2. AI Video Create accounts
  3. Run and Massage.

Morning Ignition

  • Wakeup time:
  • First action:
  • Today’s main goal:

Daily Happenings & Reflections

[Free space to write about your day, thoughts, encounters, and anything else on your mind]

Daily Achievements

  • [✅] Achievement 1: Finished call with Genmu Land, and TOKR 2 full day calls
  • [✅] Achievement 2: Finished run 7.7km, but really tired.
  • Achievement 3

Challenges & Solutions

Challenge: Solution:

Learning & Growth

What did I learn today?

Tomorrow’s Launchpad

Top 3 priorities for tomorrow: 1. 2. 3.

Gratitude & Reflection

I’m grateful for: happy wife. not so much back pain the entire day. no lao sai. easy day, all tasks and call go smoothly. boss gave more money for testing, i think that shows trust. One thing I’ll do better tomorrow: start my ai video account creation.

Gossip: fkin heil, the nescfe gold i bought $10.9 from shopee, which originated from russia had like metal pieces in it. also, the base of the coffee seems much more sendimentish than others from the same brand. downloaded polytopia on pc, want to try it but know that should not. been thinking to go for massage at chinatown, but dont have time for it. and tmr is the long run again already. also still need to buy shoes.

Habit Tracker

  • [✅ ] Exercise
  • [no ] Reading
  • [no ] Coding
  • [✅ ] Networking: talked to cooper?
  • [Custom habit]

Energy Level (1-10): 8

Final Thought

[End your day with a positive affirmation or reflection]

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.