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Phua KY

Cyclical Phases of Project-Hopping

Recognizing the Pattern: As I look back, I notice a recurring pattern in my activities: a cycle of enthusiasm, engagement, and eventual disengagement. This cyclical nature of hopping from one project to another seems to underpin much of the year’s journey.

1. Initiation Phase: Each cycle often starts with a burst of enthusiasm and curiosity. This is when I stumble upon a new idea or project – like the MVP Shopee Chatbot Chrome or the Library Booking System and of course the BizSale platform – and dive into it with full energy.

2. Development Phase: This phase is marked by active engagement, problem-solving, and creativity. It’s a period of learning and growth, where I immerse myself in the project, experimenting with technologies and strategies.

3. Plateau and Distraction Phase: After the initial rush, there comes a plateau. The challenges start to feel routine, or obstacles seem insurmountable. This is often when distractions become more appealing – a new project idea, an interesting video on YouTube, or the lure of online shopping.

4. Shift and Transition Phase: Eventually, the engagement with the current project wanes, and I find myself transitioning to a new venture. The cycle begins anew, with fresh excitement for a different project.

Understanding the Impact: This cyclical process has both positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, it’s led to a rich tapestry of experiences and skills. On the other, it’s contributed to a feeling of aimlessness, as the constant shifting prevents me from seeing any one project through to its full potential.

Moving Forward: Recognizing this pattern is the first step in breaking the cycle. It’s about finding a project that not only excites me initially but also holds enough depth and potential to keep me engaged through the inevitable challenges and plateaus. The goal is to evolve from a cycle of fleeting engagements to sustained, meaningful involvement in projects that align with my broader life goals.

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Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.