Phua KY profile picture

Phua KY

Crypto Company

this post can only to go live after i have left this job.

  1. Introduction:
    • Brief overview of when you joined the company and your initial role
      • started applying just for technical writing
      • but friend told me partnership development is easy. hesitant to take that on, but since he told me about it and i want to increase the payout, i applied for it too. so its a combined role of this 2.
      • later on, also joined forces to take up the marketing aspect. none of it was out of scope for me, as i always believe i have to be super well rounded and verse in all aspects of business. and if someone is paying me to get do the tasks and i can learn as i get paid, ok. i have confidence with AI as my assistant, any knowledge is just one interface away.
    • Set the context of the crypto industry (fast-paced, innovative, challenging)
      • everything is all remote.
      • working hours is something like 11am to 7pm.
      • but im like at least 9am all the way to night.

how i structure my day: i try to get my daily training in the early waking hours, between 5-8am. otherwise it would be from 5pm to 7pm. then the rest of the day is dedicated to all the task and responsibilities. for Marketing aspect, i tend to do it fully on the weekends.

  1. Your Roles and Responsibilities:

    • List and briefly describe each of your roles
      • Partnership Developer
        • find marketing collabs for the main network we are developing
          • these are usually just social media cross posting to bring visibility to each other’s project without any real stuff done. like a shout out to their community on your project and vice versa.
        • another kind is to find projects to help develop real things, like build their games or apps on our network.
      • VC Funding for Game Project
        • this is the tougher one - i need to reach out to VCs and ask them to invest large sums into the developing game
        • this is totally new to me, and 0 success. everything is done cold, so nothing as of yet.
      • SEO / Marketing / Social Media
        • 2 blog posts weekly.
        • Making sure all SEO related to the site is done properly.
        • Make our WEbsite’s sitelink visible.
        • then after firing the agency that is responbible for social media posts, i was given the task to do so.
        • agency was paid 2.5k monthly. i was not paid any additional amount.
      • Other adhoc tasks
        • website testing for bugs
    • Explain how these roles evolved or were added over time
  2. Key Projects and Accomplishments:

    • Highlight 3-5 significant projects you’ve worked on
      • Strategies for all the cold outreach
        • Cold Email
          • kind of successfully created the cold email mass spam way by extrapolating different permutations to their domains, like admin, contact, sales etc.
        • Cold Twitter
          • successful in mass spamming different projects via their twitter ID. almost automated.
          • responses are then manual as of now.
        • Discord manual
          • manual labour opening tickets and messaging, misconeption that i cannot create a manipulated browser of the discord app.
          • but just found out i can do it via the web app.
        • Linkedin InMail for VC Direct connections
          • no success so far too. only 50 inmails monthly.
    • Describe your contributions and the outcomes
  3. Challenges Faced and Overcome:

    • Discuss some of the obstacles you encountered
    • Explain how you addressed these challenges
  4. Skills Developed:

    • List new skills you’ve acquired or existing skills you’ve improved
    • Relate these skills to the crypto/blockchain industry
  5. Industry Insights:

    • Share any unique perspectives you’ve gained about the crypto industry
    • Discuss how your understanding of blockchain technology has evolved
  6. Collaboration and Teamwork:

    • Describe your experiences working with different teams or departments
    • Highlight any leadership roles or initiatives you’ve taken
  7. Personal Growth:

    • Reflect on how this experience has contributed to your professional development
    • Discuss any changes in your career aspirations or goals

how i structure my payout: all payments are routed to my company. i take it as im the outsourced mercenary of my company. the ‘company’ gets the ‘contracts’ as a full time staff. i get paid a full time salary, but i view it as i get paid a sum to get these tasks done. the company is selling me to get the tasks done and paid a same amount monthly. then the company will pay me a salary and the CPF. so im paid a less salary then the real income. the compnay also takes on additional expenses like some of my work, the company distributes to other people and also pay them a fee for these tasks. since the first month, i have always thought to scale it by getting more ‘full time jobs’ as contracts to the company. but have not gotten the second one yet as still trying to manage this unbeatable VC task.

  1. Looking Ahead:

    • Share your thoughts on future projects or goals within the company
    • Discuss how you see your role evolving in the crypto space
  2. Conclusion:

    • Summarize the key takeaways from your experience
    • Express your outlook on the future of crypto and your place in it

Now, let’s start writing the introduction:

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.