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Phua KY

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Stock Deleted $BBBYQ total loss: USD -$23,600 total shares own: 36,000 shares. WeBull 24,720 shares $6,850 IBKR 11,025 shares $13,750 Saxo 55 shares $1,400 Tiger Trade 200 shares $1,600

FnB Owner Wannabe(teenager)

As a professionally trained chef with comprehensive experience in overseeing all facets of café, restaurant, and bar operations, I bring a unique blend of culinary artistry and operational acumen to the table. My journey in the culinary world is marked by a deep understanding of diverse cuisines and…

Spending Habits

In the midst of my camp journey, a stark reality emerges - the curious tendency of some individuals, regardless of income, to spend money with seemingly little consideration for the long-term consequences. This financial tale is woven through the lives of acquaintances like JH, C, and J, contrasting…

Why do I want to stay in camp

Question of the Day: Why do I want to stay in camp? Among the vast company of over 100 individuals, it’s a peculiar choice shared only by JH and me – staying in camp when most choose to venture home. What makes camp life so uniquely irresistible? Beyond Practicalities: The Essence of Tranquility The…

Starting a Trash Company

Starting a Trash Company - MFM I came across this video from the MFM podcast. The speaker also notably mentioned Tim Ferriss. Video Link: - ( I started a 6-figure trash company in the last 30 days. To fund it, I pre-sold the service at $99 for…

Biz Sale Platform

Motivation for building this project I started building this project because I felt existing business for sale platforms had outdated designs and limited search capabilities. My goal was to leverage modern web development tools and AI to create a better user experience. Specifically, I wanted to…

Log to Telegram from IOS Shortcuts

Send a Message to a Telegram Channel via iOS Shortcut Follow these steps to create an iOS Shortcut that sends a message to your Telegram channel. Prerequisites You need to have a Telegram bot and your channel’s chat ID. Your bot must be added as an administrator to the channel with posting…

2024 Directional goals Clarity Focus Growth

Main Goal Biz Sale Platform Writing Daily for Jan. 31 Days everyday. Exercise 30 Days. Daily Goals Guide 6:00 AM - 7:30 AM: Gym/Exercise 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Key Focus Work (with a mid-morning break) 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Lunch & Nap 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Key Focus Work (continued) 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM…

Cyclical Phases of Project-Hopping

Recognizing the Pattern: As I look back, I notice a recurring pattern in my activities: a cycle of enthusiasm, engagement, and eventual disengagement. This cyclical nature of hopping from one project to another seems to underpin much of the year’s journey. 1. Initiation Phase: Each cycle often…

2023 Reflecting on the Year End

Introduction: As the year draws to a close, I find myself enveloped in a mix of emotions – a sense of aimlessness and a lingering feeling of dissatisfaction. Despite being actively engaged in various projects and maintaining a steady exercise routine, there’s an undercurrent of restlessness that I…

Reviewing Company Financials For Loan

There’s a unique thrill in uncovering the story that numbers tell, especially in the realm of business finance. Today, I found myself deeply immersed in such a narrative, one that unfolded within the ledgers and financial statements of a logistics company - a story of ambition, complexity, and the…

Running my 3rd Marathon

The Game Plan Goal was to run under 4hr 30mins. But i went in with the mindset that it is not possible. If i could squeeze in a 4hr 45mins would be great. Why is it not possible? All my training runs, i could not maintain the pace of 6m23s per km with the long training run group. But i was thinking…