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Phua KY

Trading Journey

I have a diverse trading background dating back to 2016, and I remain actively engaged in cryptocurrency and NFT markets. Here’s a look at my key experiences, with an emphasis on my current focus:

2016: Early Exploration - The Pokemon Go phenomenon ignited my interest in trading, introducing me to virtual assets and market dynamics.

2017: Crypto Entry - I entered the cryptocurrency space with my first Bitcoin purchase, beginning my active trading journey.

2018: Market Making, Arbitrage, and Automation - I became a market maker and liquidity provider, offering OTC services. This period also saw me developing cross-exchange arbitrage bots and custom scripts for automated notifications and market analysis.

2019: Technical Analysis and Diversification - I focused on in-depth technical analysis, large-margin US stock trades, and options, while continuing to explore DeFi trading.

2021-Present: NFTs and Cutting-Edge Markets - NFT trading became a focus, and I continue to stay up-to-date with the latest market developments. My passion for using technology drives me to identify early-stage, high-volume tokens, and leverage automation for strategic trading.

Trading Fund Investment.

2016 (age 23) Pokemon Go Investment started learn about trading

2017 (age 24) bought first bitcoin

2018 (age 25) actively trading on cryptocurrency providing OTC liquidity to customers started trading more activiely as a market maker and liquidity provider custom make bot to cross trade between exhcanges arbitrage, korea, indonesia, and global exchanges

2019 (age 26) started serious tecnical analysis large margin trades on us stock market options learn about DEFI and trading on defi

2021 trading nfts

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.