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Phua KY

The Paradox of Stress-Free Living: Why I'm Choosing the Entrepreneurial Hustle

For the past couple of years, I’ve been living a “stress-free” life. No deadlines, no pressure, no one to answer to. It’s been a privilege to enjoy this freedom – a time for deep thought and exploring creative solutions.

Initially, I thought the ideal life was a high-paying job. Imagine the possibilities with a $10,000 monthly salary: endless consumption, exotic vacations, and material comforts. But I’ve realized that this path can be a trap. As Naval Ravikant aptly put it, “People are addicted to heroin and a paycheck.”

The truth is, many high-paying jobs come with a hidden cost: stress. The stress of doing tasks you dislike, conforming to limitations, and constantly fighting fires. This type of stress, I’ve found, hinders creative thinking and problem-solving. It traps you in a reactive state, making it difficult to see the bigger picture or develop innovative solutions.

This realization has reignited my entrepreneurial spirit. I crave the challenge of building something from scratch, something that’s truly my own. I can’t spend the rest of my life working for someone else’s dream.

My Current Strategy

Right now, I’m working in business development (BD), focusing on securing VC investments. This role is undeniably stressful, but it’s a skill I need to master. If I can convince investors to fund someone else’s vision, surely I can do the same for my own.

While I’ve considered dropping the BD aspect to focus on less stressful tasks like SEO and content writing, the BD role offers the highest earning potential. This is key, as I firmly believe in paying top dollar for top talent.

On Hiring: My Philosophy

When it comes to building a team, I prioritize a few key qualities:

Integrity: Honesty and ethical behavior are non-negotiable. Personal Accountability: I want people who own their work and take responsibility for results. Problem-Solving Prowess: Employees who proactively identify and solve problems before they escalate are invaluable. By hiring the best and compensating them fairly, I’m confident we can build a team that shares my vision and drive.

ive felt im ‘stressed-free’ for the past many months / 2 years. no time pressure, no stress and accountability to anybody. its kind of like a privellage to have this kind of freedom, but its something i think it is good to have to be able to think and probably have more creativity to create products, explore solutions.

i thought that having a job that pays 10k per month, would be a very good life to have. people would be able to buy anything they want and consume anything they want and go on holidays whenever they wanted. but it seems to be the opposite. there is no way out of this life. you are stuck, you will not be wealthy.

Naval’s quote: “people are addicted to heroin and a pay check”.

there was stress on doing things i dont want and dont like to do, which i have not felt in awhile. the limitations of the job, to do things i dont like to do, i feel that this kills the mind from thinking. im stuck in a stressful state that im unable to think out of the box to solve the bigger problems and to create larger solutions.

im starting to have more desire to be an entrepreneur again, from scratch. I need to get out of this. I cant live the rest of my life working for somebody else.

right now, the plan is to stay in this job doing BD. which the focus is getting VC and investments. these are things that give me high stress, but its something i need to overcome someday anyway. if i can try to get somebody to invest in something that is not mine, i could most probably get them do invest in something that is mine and that i strongly believe in. i had thoughts on wanting to remove the BD aspect of my job scope, so just SEO marketing and Tech Content writing. but this BD maybe the highest paid.

on Hiring: hire people with integrity. hire people with strong personal accounatability. hire people who can solve problems and create solutions so problems do no appear to even the founders. pay top money to hire the best people. low money and middle money do not attract the kind of people that vibe with my style.

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Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.