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Phua KY

Tet 2024

Your Itinerary for Vietnam Trip (11 Feb 2024 - 19 Feb 2024)

11 Feb 2024 (Sunday)

  • Flight: VietJetAir, 14:55 from Changi Airport T4 to Hanoi Terminal 2, arriving at 17:25.
  • Activity: Dinner in Hanoi.
    • Yu Own: Plan trip and to dos on plane.

Reality Three hours to Hanoi, and already a whirlwind of activity! I squeezed in my January review on the plane, fueled by anxiety for the journey and excitement for what awaits. Landing, we snagged a sweet deal on a data-packed SIM card, 200k for 10 days unlimited data, with hotspot available! (thanks, airport!).

Bố and Alex whisked us away, the latter a fresh face - Nhi’s new suitor brought along by his matchmaking parents. The whole scene was fascinating, a glimpse into a cultural tradition I’m still learning about.

Back at home, the aroma of home cooking hit me first. Nhi’s chicken pho was a revelation - hearty, flavorful, and pure comfort. Between the delicious food and the lively conversation, it was a perfect homecoming. Karaoke after, and its the same songs. Then I learn, you only need to master a handful of songs to have a good karaoke session.

12 Feb 2024 (Monday)

  • Activities: Vi meet Thu in the morning. Follow the plan as per mom’s instructions. Girls to wear áo dài, guys to wear suits.
  • Yu Own: Read Elon Musk.

Reality Personally - Played Chess mostly.

Morning Run and Familiar Scents: The crisp Hanoi air invigorated me as I pounded the pavement for 6km, feeling the sun’s warmth like a familiar touch. This distance held a special place in my heart, reminding me of early morning runs with my wife on this very route when we first started dating. Back home, the aroma of spices filled the air, a stark contrast to the quiet mornings in Singapore. It was here, amidst the bustling preparations, that I began to appreciate the unique standard of Mom’s cooking.

Culinary Differences and Rushed Decisions:

Nicknamed “Fry Master” back home, I confidently took charge of the tofu. Yet, before the cubes achieved their perfect crisp, Mom rushed me to take them out. While I disagreed with this rushed approach, it made me realize that under pressure, her decisions might differ. This theme continued throughout my visit. Whether reheating spring rolls or using the microwave, the focus seemed less on precise timing and temperature, resulting in inconsistencies I wasn’t accustomed to.

Time Perception and Communal Preparation:

Our planned 9am temple visit morphed into a leisurely 10:30 departure, highlighting the relaxed pace here. Punctuality reigns supreme back home, with everyone getting ready independently. Here, the act of dressing and preparing unfolded in a shared space, fostering a constant gauge of progress and mutual assistance. No impatient grumbling about waiting, just a collaborative effort to ensure everyone was ready together.

Cultural Contrasts: Prayer and Photography:

Bo Duong and I

The new temple, with its intricate carvings and fragrant incense, offered a sense of peace and grandeur despite the photo-taking frenzy. In stark contrast to Singapore’s focus solely on prayer, temple visits here seemed to double as opportunities for capturing beautiful memories. My Dad’s forgotten gift to Grandpa caused a stir, a stark difference from our nonchalant approach in Singapore. Back home, a quick return for forgotten items wouldn’t be a big deal, but my Vietnamese Dad seemed worried about potential reprimands from the women around him.

Chaotic Comfort and Unexpected Connections:

The afternoon at Grandpa’s house was a symphony of shouts and laughter, chaotic yet strangely comforting. Amidst the good-natured squabbles over photo order, I found solace in connecting with my nieces and nephews. There was the studious one pursuing Japanese for Chinese classes, the ambitious law student SOL with 2 more years in Law, the budding chess player and the little fun one Tin Tin with a limping gait. Sharing playful banter and chess games with the 2 youngest brought back cherished memories and deepened our bond.

crab noodles

13 Feb 2024 (Tuesday)

  • Morning: Breakfast Pho. Cafe visit.
  • Activities: Create LinkedIn for Nhi. Seafood dinner or other plans as per mom’s instructions.
    • Yu Own: Read

Reality Personal - played chess.

Started the day with Sally’s “mental pushing exercise” - pushups and planks! Feeling energized, I met up with Linh, Nhi, and my wife for coffee. The cozy cafe buzzed with chatter and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. We lingered for hours, catching up and enjoying delicious banh cuon for dinner - the light rice rolls bursting with fresh herbs and a savory filling.

Linh’s story resonated with me. I remember her as sharp and driven, but her current role as COO at a struggling startup seems mismatched. She mentioned seeing gaps she could solve and a passion for mentoring, yet the business itself doesn’t seem profitable. This disconnect sparked questions in me - is the startup environment right for her skills? Can she find fulfillment in a role that doesn’t align with her full potential?

As we indulged in creamy creme caramel desserts, I couldn’t help but wonder if I could offer any guidance. Sharing insights and experiences can be powerful, and perhaps I could help her navigate this challenging situation. The day left me pondering the complexities of career choices, the importance of finding a good fit, and the value of supportive friends.

14 Feb 2024 (Wednesday)

  • Morning: Casual eating out/shopping.
  • Afternoon: Nhi flies back.
    • Yu Own: Read

Reality Lazy Sunday Splurge: Today was a slow day, no exercise, just enjoying some downtime with my wife. We headed to the new Lotte mall, and wow, it was grand! Huge, modern, and definitely bustling. The Tet holiday and Valentine’s Day brought out the crowds, particularly teenagers, which made it quite lively. My wife fell in love with the cream cheese Korean puffs, and I can’t blame her - they were delicious!

Coffee and Business Talk with Nam:

with nam

Later, we met Nam at a cafe near our home. He’s a fascinating guy, currently studying German to pursue free education there. But his real hustle is affiliate marketing for keto diets on Instagram. He explained how he earns 100% of the commission on every product people buy through his links, ranging from $30 to $200 per order. The best part? It’s a low-cost business model, taking only 2 hours of his time daily.

However, he faces challenges like “scammers” trying to exploit his name and target his customers. Despite that, his average monthly earnings reach around $4,500, which is quite impressive. We exchanged insights and had a great conversation, and I learned a lot about the world of affiliate marketing.

Pizza Fail and Bun Cha Rescue:

Our evening plan for 4Ps pizza didn’t pan out, but we quickly found a delicious fallback - bun cha! It wasn’t the pizza we craved, but it was a satisfying and authentic Vietnamese meal to end the day.


Nam’s story was inspiring. It showed me the potential of digital businesses and the importance of finding a niche that resonates with your audience. While challenges exist, it’s encouraging to see his dedication and the results it brings. The day reminded me of the importance of exploring new perspectives, learning from others, and enjoying the simple moments with loved ones.

15 Feb 2024 (Thursday)

  • Morning:
    • Hospital visit for Yu’s wrist check.
    • Vi’s stomach/urinary tract (right side pain)/lower back check.
  • Afternoon:
    • Get notarized translations for birth certificate/household book.
    • Deactivate VIB credit card, reissue debit card (Visa), bank transactions.

Reality Did MRI on right wrist - Enthesitis on the lower end of the ulnar. Vi’s stomach and UTI no problem. Got our documents translated, notarised and legalised.

Then Met Both and Thuy for late night catch up at Twitter Cafe.

16 Feb 2024 (Friday)

  • Activity: Haircuts. Pierce Ear.
  • Visit: Pa Ma’s places.

Reality GOBI BBQ for lunch.

thuy both i

Thuy graduated and tried working in a pharmacy company called Fuji and quit within 2 weeks. She had the option so she went full time into her tuition business. It seems like its doing well enough. she has 6 full time employees. She is planning to go for MBA.

Both is applying for scholarship in Ireland. He just got into his first relationship and its been going on for 3 months. Does not see a future if he moves to Ireland. He discoverd his ‘gift’ in music during SSEAYP. and pursued it extensively after SSEAYP, sacrificing and living frugally putting his money into learning more instruments.

Notable observations. Entrepreneurs kind of have some kind of more established family background to allow the kids to have the luxury of pursueing something that does not see immediate results. Nam still stays with his family. Same for Thuy. Unsure for Linh, but also no salary. Why is this the case? Why can’t this bright smart people, break out of the current contained environment. Whats missing? Why can’t Thuy pay herself and her partner a reputable(lack of better word) salary. why the ‘honarable’ mention of not paying yourself and living a life of little needs and wants? is it over glorified? why not getting a reputable salary from your own business, taking care of the family and still thriving? Whats missing here. Same for Linh, why continue to work in a ‘start up’ that does not pay. why not a start up that pays yet still fulfilling all your personal goals of mentoring and filling up the gaps.

Is the market so ‘efficient’ and competitive that smart young people can’t succeed at an early age?

What is capping my own success? Are we focused on the wrong things?

17 Feb 2024 (Saturday)

  • Activity: Meet friends (Linh, Lynn, Rose, Cailey).

Reality Morning: Packed curtains, grumpily. A disagreement with my wife about solo gift purchase highlighted her stress.

Day: Entire day at Pizza 4ps. Fortunately, booking upcoming trips for my parents in Hanoi proved efficient. Got new spectacles, only to find them uncomfortable. Returned them, wife feeling stressed.

18 Feb 2024 (Sunday)

  • Activity: Meet friends.

Reality Morning: Sperm analysis.

Day: Rose Cafe museum, then afternoon slacking. Collected spectacles (still bad), returned them. Wife stressed.

19 Feb 2024 (Monday)

  • Daytime: Shopping for items to bring back to Singapore.
  • Flight Back to Singapore: Singapore Airlines SQ-193, T2 to T2, 18:25 - 23:05.

Reality Flight Back: Singapore Airlines flight was enjoyable! Conversation with a French traveler (67) about his adventurous road trip across Europe inspired me. Maybe it’s time to explore more with SIA!

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.