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Phua KY

Reddit Making Friends Problem

  1. Problem Statement: “In the fast-paced, culturally diverse setting of Singapore, individuals across various life stages are increasingly finding it challenging to form meaningful friendships, leading to widespread feelings of isolation and impacting their mental health and well-being. This issue is observed across both physical and digital realms, despite the availability of numerous platforms designed to connect people.”

    1. What is the problem that needs to be solved?

    People in Singapore are finding it challenging to make meaningful friendships.

    1. Why is that a problem?

    Lack of meaningful friendships can lead to feelings of isolation, impacting mental health and overall well-being.

    1. Where is the problem observed?

    This problem is observed across various settings in Singapore, including workplaces, educational institutions, neighborhoods, and online platforms.

    1. Who is impacted?

    Primarily, working adults and students who, despite being surrounded by others, struggle to form deep connections due to busy lifestyles, cultural norms, and the transient nature of some communities.

    1. When was the problem first observed?

    The issue has been gradually escalating over the years but has become more pronounced with the increased reliance on digital communication and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    1. How is the problem observed?

    The problem is observed through increased reports of loneliness, decreased community participation, and a rise in mental health concerns related to social isolation.

    1. How often is the problem observed?

    It’s a widespread and growing concern, affecting a significant portion of the population at various times in their lives.

  2. Old Solution

    • bumble
    • lemon-8

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.