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Phua KY


im so fucking fucking fucking useless.

its 1 quarter of the year done. ive still not earned a single dollar. in fact, i have lost thousands more. betting on the fkin BAG and Levvywifhat.

whats obvious would be to go trade the fkin shit coins. no. trading shit coin is the most worthless thing to do in this world. and im bad at it. i will waste my time. and lose even more money.

so what could be next? by default. the plan was.

  1. submit resumes.
  2. resume coding.

but after coming to the computer, im thinking that i should do a reflection on my past 3 months. and do the self-authoring program.

i think, i need to make it as easy as possible to send out my resumes.

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.