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Phua KY

Product Manager Coursse

  1. What is Product Manager

Communicator between stakeholders. In charge of a product.

  1. What is product

  2. Who are stakeholders

    1. Internal PMs 1.
    2. Consumer PMs
    3. Business to Business PMs (SAAS PMs)

What type of PM you want to be? like elon musk - very budget conscious pm. direct involvment with cost.

4. Product vs Project Management

Product Management

Focus: Product management is concerned with the overall vision, strategy, development, and success of a product from inception to end-of-life. Role: A product manager defines what the product will become and why it will be valuable to users. They are responsible for the product roadmap, defining features, and prioritizing development to align with business goals. Outcome: The main goal is to ensure the product meets market needs, achieves business objectives, and delivers value to customers.

Project Management

Focus: Project management is about planning, executing, and finalizing projects within a specific timeframe, budget, and scope. It’s about the “how” and “when” aspects of getting things done. Role: A project manager coordinates the efforts of the team to achieve project objectives. They manage timelines, resources, and risks to ensure the project is completed as planned. Outcome: The primary aim is to complete projects on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.

In simpler terms, think of product management as being responsible for what to build and why, focusing on the product’s success in the market. Project management, on the other hand, is about how to build it efficiently and managing the process to get there. Product managers are like visionaries for the product, while project managers are the organizers who ensure that vision is executed effectively.

Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline

Product Development Process

  1. Conceive
    1. user problems
  2. plan
    1. market research
    2. customer interviews
    3. roadmapping
  3. develop
    1. timelines
    2. write features
    3. user stories
  4. iterate
    1. finish MVP or prototype
    2. testing different versions of the product
  5. launch
  6. steady state
    1. collect metrics and optimize
    2. sales continue
  7. maintain or kill
    1. analyze to see how competitive the product is
    2. and what is the return on investment
    3. decide if we kill or maintain


  1. SCRUM
    1. SPRINT planning meeting
      1. take most important features from product backlog and move it to these sprint backlog
    2. developing process
      1. move from sprint backlog to IN PROGRESS and then DONE
    3. daily standup meetings
      1. what you do yesterday, today and tomorrow
    4. retrospective meetings
      1. what went well, what did not go well
    1. kanban board
    2. less time bound
    3. no meeting type

Waterfall is opposite of AGILE

E.M.U.C employees metrics users clients

the main job of a product manager solving the real problem, not just building the features.

Find competitors categorise into

  1. direct
  2. indirect
  3. potential
  4. substitute


Monitoring Competitors:

  1. crunchbase

Customer Development alt text

alt text

3 Question STUD

alt text add them up and you will know which customer group to reach out to.

Interviewing People

used linkedin to find them!

how to find externally?

  1. reddit and subreddits
  2. quora
  3. twitter - message them personally

Email Template: alt text

Building user personas so easier to identify

7 steps of MVP

In order for my idea to be successful, the following must be true…

I assume that:

Phua KY profile picture
Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.