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Phua KY

My Experience with Caffeine Withdrawal Headaches

I’ve noticed something peculiar twice recently.

The first time was on April 11, 2024. The second time was just yesterday, June 2, 2024.

On both days, I skipped my usual cup of coffee and experienced a severe headache located at the base of my head and the top of my neck, on the right side. It started off slightly pain at around 1.30pm after lunch. And the pain got worse as the day progresses.

right side of head

Pressing and massaging the area didn’t help. I even took two naps, but the headache persisted.

I recalled the first incident when I eventually drank coffee and went out for dinner, which helped alleviate the headache. However, yesterday, I didn’t want to have coffee so late in the evening—it was already past 7 PM.

Seeking answers, I turned to ChatGPT and learned about the possible connection between my headaches and caffeine withdrawal.

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To find relief, my wife and I decided to go for a walk. However, I felt nauseous and worried that I might need to use the bathroom urgently. We walked to the nearby soccer court by NTUC, but I became anxious about making it back home in time.

We decided to head back home, where I quickly took a spoonful of coffee. I sat in the outer room with the window open and refrained from lying down.

After resting for about 10 minutes, waiting for the coffee to take effect, I finally felt relief.

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Multiple business owner wannabe. Big on finding out my fullest potential through mental toughness.